• Culture Trivia

    How Billiards Games End

    Over half of all games of billiards played in bars end prematurely with a fist fight. See Full Trivia »

    Most Densely Populated U.S. City

    The most densely populated city in the United States is Hollywood. See Full Trivia »

    Fake Wedding Cakes

    One-Fourth of all wedding cakes are made out of inedible cardboard. See Full Trivia »

    Axes as Murder Weapons

    Axes are the 12th highest used murder weapon in the world. Axe Body Spray is the 143,784th highest used murder weapon in the world. See Full Trivia »

    Hammock Related Deaths

    There are 15 hammock related deaths every year in the United States. See Full Trivia »

    Young Wedding Ring Bearers

    In wedding services, 70% of ring bearers below the age of six will drop the ring before they reach the alter. See Full Trivia »

    World’s Oldest Professions

    Lumberjacks are the world’s third oldest profession. See Full Trivia »

    Most Popular Vacation Activity

    Camping is the 2nd most popular vacation activity in the United States. See Full Trivia »

    Bikes in Montana vs. Subway in New York

    On a daily basis, more people ride bikes in Montana than people who ride on the subway in New York. See Full Trivia »

    Korean Books vs. English Books

    There are twice as many books published in the Korean language than in the English language every year. See Full Trivia »

    Words Created by America

    America is responsible for creating 37% of the words in the modern English dictionary. See Full Trivia »

    Least Kissed Part of the Human Body

    The left toe is the least kissed part of the human body. See Full Trivia »

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